Jews in Suits

Is there such a thing as Jewish fashion? Do all rabbis dress the same way? What do our clothes tell us about our people, history and beliefs?
Join us for an evening of history and identity, fashion and flair with researcher and educator, Jonathan C. Kaplan-Wajselbaum. Together with writer Nadine J. Cohen, Jonathan will discuss Vienna’s Jews, Central and European Jewish life from 1890 to the eve of its destruction, and how the adoption of the suit contributed to the formation of the model of a modern Jew.
Jews in Suits uses a rich range of written and visual sources, including literary fiction and satire, ‘ego-documents’, photography, trade catalogues, invoices, and department store culture, to propose a new narrative of men, fashion, and their Jewish identities.
Doors open at 7pm for a drink and the interview begins at 7.30pm. Make sure to dress the part – best suits will win book vouchers from Gertrude and Alice!
Jews in Suits was a finalist for the Leslie and Sophie Caplan Award for Jewish Non-Fiction, Shalom Collective Jewish Writer Award (2024).
The book will also be available for purchase on the day by our official bookseller, Gertrude and Alice Bookstore.
About the Book
Jews in Suits
Surviving photographs of Jewish Viennese men during the fin-de-siecle and interwar periods – both the renowned cultural luminaries and their many anonymous coreligionists – all share a striking sartorial detail: the tailored suit. Yet, until now, the adoption of the tailored suit and its function in the formation of modern Jewish identities remains under-researched.
Jews in Suits uses a rich range of written and visual sources, including literary fiction and satire, ‘ego-documents’, photography, trade catalogues, invoices, and department store culture, to propose a new narrative of men, fashion, and their Jewish identities. It reveals that dressing in a modern manner was not simply a matter of assimilation, but rather a way of developing new models of Jewish subjectivity beyond the externally prescribed notion of ‘the Jew’. Drawing upon fashionable dress, folk costume, religious dress, avant-garde, oppositional dress, typologies which are often considered separate from one another, it proposes a new way of reading men and clothing cultures within an iconic cultural milieu, offering insights into the relationship of clothing and grooming to the understanding of the self.
Jonathan C. Kaplan-Wajselbaum
Jonathan C. Kaplan-Wajselbaum is an honorary adjunct fellow at the University of Technology Sydney and manager of research and senior educator at the Sydney Jewish Museum.
He holds a PhD in dress and design history from the Imagining Fashion Futures Research lab at the University of Technology Sydney, and has published on the intersections between dress, acculturation, and Jewish identity.
Nadine J. Cohen
Nadine J. Cohen is a Sydney-based writer with bylines in The Guardian, The Saturday Paper, SMH/Age, ABC, Harper’s Bazaar, and more. Her debut novel, Everyone and Everything, was released to critical acclaim in 2023 and she co-hosts the multi-award-winning Grave Matters podcast on SBS. Nadine is also a passionate independent advocate for refugees affected by Australia’s offshore detention program.
“Anyone interested in the development of Jewish identity in Europe between 1890 and 1938 will appreciate this thoroughly researched, well-argued, and overall compelling book. Vienna is a fascinating city, and those curious about its history will find much value in Jews in Suits, regardless of their level of interest in Jewish dress and masculinity.”
Review by Hallel Yadin: Read
Short essay by Jonathan C.Kaplan-Wjselbaum: Read